Rezultāti lapā:

Filtrēt pēc: Temats

grammar (1)
historical dictionary (2)
history of Latvian linguistics (1)
hybrid dependency-constituency grammar (9)
intents (1)
language consultations (1)
language model (1)
language norm (1)
Latvian linguists (1)
learner (3)
lexicon (5)
literal (1)
literary (1)
literary corpus (3)
LLM (1)
lockdown (1)
manual annotation (10)
medical domain (4)
meeting recordings (1)
morphology (15)
morphology annotation (1)
morphologycal annotation (1)
MT (1)
multilingual content production (1)
multilingual media monitoring (1)
named entities (2)
NER (2)
newspapers (2)
orthoepy (1)
orthographic transcription (2)
pandemic (1)
parallel corpus (1)
parliamentary (1)
parser (1)
personal names (1)
phrases in scientific texts (1)
pronunciation dictionary (1)
PropBank (1)
rendering of personal names (1)
representative (3)
scietific text creation (1)
self reflection (1)
specialised (1)
specialised corpus (7)
specialised texts (1)
specialized (1)
specialized texts (1)
speech corpus (4)
speech synthesis (2)
speech transcription (2)
speech translation (1)
spelling (1)
stylistics (1)
tagger (1)
text (18)
text normalization (1)
text-to-speech (2)
thesaurus (6)
tokenizer (1)
transcription editor (1)
treebank (9)
TTS (1)
types of academic or scientific texts (1)
Universal Dependencies (1)
vocabulary (1)
web (1)
word sense disambiguation (1)